
Posts Tagged ‘plate’

Oh poor blog! I keep neglecting you! Just time for a quick update on the last event before the next lot in half term!
Wetland’s day was just that –wet! Well more like damp and cold than wet; it was so cold that the wetness couldn’t even work up the energy to be – wet! It just clung to everything in a slick of frigid dampness. I’m amazed anyone could bear to come out in it!
Even so we did have quite a few brave souls turn up- but nothing like our usual numbers, which was a shame as we had fun things to do.
We had a migration theme but also some simple wetland “plate ponds” for little ones.
They enjoyed making these before, with some more elaborate 3D versions

Wetlands paper creation

more paper activity

WonkyGiraffe paper plate activity

So to give it a bit of a change I made some plaster of Paris fish to paint (courtesy of an IKEA ice cube tray) to add to those.
ikea moulded fish

Much enjoyed, even if they were completely out of scale, so rather shark like!

wonkygiraffe ikea shark like fish

WonkyGiraffe close up moulded fish

WonkyGiraffe plate

For the migration stuff we had maps to complete and a folded paper “migration suitcase” that the appropriate birds tumbled from, in a sort of mobile.
Some guys made a real effort to use the books and pictures to get accurate colouring. This one took ages of much consultation of books and careful colouring .

WonkyGiraffe suitcase

One young man had a back story going on for his carefully selected birds; here he was telling me their names, and which was bigger ( and therefore older!) .

WonkyGiraffe suitcase

On The whole it seemed to get the message across- but as pleasant as it was we were all pleased to get back home in the warm afterwards.

WonkyGiraffe the view

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